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Bamboo pure charcoal

Bamboo pure charcoal


BAMBOO pure charcoal powder           

Activated charcoal is a naturally occurring charcoal-fired charcoal that burns negatively charged charcoal and has millions of holes in the charcoal, which the chemicals or toxins will be. This activated charcoal can be regarded as a wonderful charcoal that can be used in medicine, food or livestock. Activated charcoal works? Activated charcoal works by trapping the toxins or chemicals in its millions of tiny porous pores. The action of activated charcoal against the toxins causes our bodies to not absorb the toxins into the circulating system. It is easy to say that activated charcoal interrupts the process of absorbing toxins into the blood circulation system and is ready to be removed by the body through the urine or urine. FOR increase in animal feeds as an antidote for poisoning and to control diarrhea  - e.g. as a result of food poisoning. It is vegetable-based and able to adsorb numerous harmful or undesirable substances that may be present in the gastro-intestinal tract. Added side benefit is its ability to help control animal odors.                                                                                                                    

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